(US) Treasury Sec Yellen: we must control the pandemic so the economy returns to normal; stimulus needs to ensure people's lives, livelihoods are not permanently scarred by COVID - NY Times conf comments
(US) Treasury Sec Yellen: we must control the pandemic so the economy returns to normal; stimulus needs to ensure people's lives, livelihoods are not permanently scarred by COVID - NY Times conf comments -
- Success would be return to pre-pandemic employment levels
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- Economy still has pockets of pain beyond targeted aid; $1,400 economic impact payments will help those pockets of misery; sending $1,400 widely is better than narrow targeting
- Not spending enough in the last economic downturn took a fiscal toll
- Market for 100-year bond would probably be very tiny but Treasury is moving to longer-term debt; issuing longer-term securities seems to make some sense
- US interest payments as a share of GDP are currently at 2007 levels
- A financial transaction tax (FTT) is worth looking at; FTT could be beneficial but could also have negative impacts - A wealth tax would have difficult implementation issues; Pres Biden is committed to not raising taxes on those earning less than $400K
- Capital gains tax might be worth considering
- Makes sense for Fed to study a digital dollar currency; could lead to faster and cheaper payments but many issues need to be studied including consumer protection and money laundering
- Bitcoin is often used for illicit finance; Bitcoin is extremely inefficient for conducting transactions and is a highly speculative asset; people should beware - Source TradeTheNews.com
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